Friday, May 7, 2010

Shun Indians in India

Wierd title right??...yes i agree absolutely...its only the wierd things that make you write such titles.
Its abt the news that i read this morning made me bow down my head for the respect an Indian is given as a GLOBAL citizen.

Read the the below article before you continue.

Huawei is a company with 43000 employees globally, with all its research and development facilities in India,US,Germany and couple of other countries. They are one of the leading telecom companies in China and they landed in India to tap indian talent for minmum price. They have nearly 40k patents and these days thats more credible figures than the balance sheets.

Back to the point now,barring few indians from a particular location of office which is in india and treating them as tresspassers raises many questions of authentcity of the activities and veracity of the company in their dealings with Indians. It also makes me curious, how much information in a company Indians are exposed too ? How much are the allowances and facilites they are entitiled too? are we really missing some thing or we din't even realise that we missing ..last but not the least are we too bothered abt the our bank accounts which blurs our intention to support or self respect when we are being ill treated....most of it i feel is the common attitude that most of us budge to "Lets not bother abt it " .....

The issue can be debated on two facts, 1) Arey they doing some thing sneaky which is Anti-Indian??
2) Are they doing genuine research and are scared to divulge the info to Indians? which might be risk in some cases? ( Madhuri Gupta's is one of the example.)

If point one is considered,yes there are was a chinese who hacked in to the Prime Minister's office...for the second time.. its hightime we tighten our rules and visa regulation for all the MNC companies, nevertheless this should not hurt the sentiments of the new alien companies and at the same time it should be carefull not to give them a minor chance to exploit the freedom in our country. As per the last para in the article ..few people stay in the country stay even aft their visa date...I am amazed by the guts these people have and I guess they have..even they got know the indegenous short cut of Indians (bribe). I hope we indians ..though we are in India or any other developed countries....we will only be given a status of second citizen....however outstanding the individual may be. ....

If point 2 is considered...its the credibility that Indians need to gain from the rest of the world, we can hold no secret, we can only hide things if others know that its meant to be hidden :). Thats the parody, As a citizen i look forward for the the day when an Indian is respected as a foreigner is respected when he is in India. That can only happen if all all Indians have an intention to excel and be truthful.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

3 idiots.....

Well..yes its been long i wrote ..infact after an hiatus of 3 years...Its 1 AM in the morning ..I am back after watching a movie....that kept me riveted to my seat for 21/2 hrs.

I am talking ( writing ) abt 3 idiots....a simple plot with a college back ground and a lucid philosphy of life " Follow your passion " revloves round a guy...who wants to study because he just wants study....learn concepts..and implement them and if possible find new concepts.I am not here to write the story as you can watch it for $1o in your neary by hall. I am writing my own feelings and memories that were archived in the inner valuts of so called " responsibilites" ...."challenges" ...and...the most of all...a good reason that we all choose to blame " society". Most of us have an urge, make some thing,create some thing and sustain the creation. The movie made me realise that many of us shun that urge or try to override it with an urge more impulsive or more colourful, there by which the focus on inner intention fades away and the proclivity for the creation diminishes . Slowy and steadly...the passion a disease thats bound to progress step by step.

Its only such movies that make us realise that we all want to do some thing, but most of the times we are scared or dual minded or accept the situation. You cannot rule or the fact that the consequences in real life do play an important role in moulding of our intentions, thoughts and actions.....but....what i want to say by all means is......lets keep the urge alive..keep it burning..and a time is bound to come...where the urge can be given a chance to be real....

Friday, June 20, 2008

Singapore and me

The day of Arrival : - Check out in the changi airport with a traditional dress clad girl helping us to reach out till the departure counter...i was admiring the elegance of construction....stepping on to the moving walkaway for the first time in life made me feel that there were manythings in this world to nourish your laziness and also the things can be make life much easy than what you presume....soon we reached the check out counter and was expecting a huge line with people waiting for their turn...but numerous counters arranged in calculation with total passengers landed made the things much easy...I was hurling for pen to fill the document ....requested an old man who finished is formality and ..a minute later i was njoying the candy kept near the counter for the passengers, the fat women with puffy eyes with a metallic fame spectacles in a bob cut gave a drooping smile and said ..." first time " .......i said "yes" with huge energy....and moved was all finished in few min and we all were out.......